Seated Immobilization

Resources Required:
  1. Three rescuers
  2. Cervical Spine Immobilization Collar (C.S.I.C.)
  3. Kendrick Extrication Device (K.E.D.)

Note: only performed on a stable, i.e. non-critical patient

  • Take or verbalize body substance precautions
    "Do I have adequate BSI?"
  • Stabilize the spine in neutral in-line position
  • Pass spinal stabilization to partner
    "My partner will maintain spinal stabilization."
  • Measure and apply collar
  • Test P.M.S. for extremities
  • Place one hand at chest, one at back, then lean patient forward to about 30 degrees -- just far enough to apply Kendrick Extraction Device (K.E.D.)
  • Note: patient leans forward and supports their own weight with cervical stabilization
  • Apply K.E.D.
  • Apply straps to patient
    • Torso straps on inhalation
    • Leg straps
      Left strap moves under patient's thigh using a "scissoring" motion, then up and across the right leg; then snap the buckle shut on the clasp at right side of KED
      Note: Contraindications for leg straps:
      1. Extreme Obesity
      2. Imminent Childbirth
      3. Genital Injury
      In such cases, straps are secured on the same side of KED; they do not cross to the opposite side
    • Head strap around forehead
    • Chin strap around chin area of collar
  • Test P.M.S. for extremities
  • Two rescuers move patient for extraction
    • One rescuer on either side, using side handles and supporting under the patient's thighs
    • One rescuer maintains c-spine stabilization
  • Verbalize moving patient to long board

Note: as per NYS DOH requirements, candidates must fulfill the following requirements:

  • Not release or order release of manual immobilization before it was maintained mechanically
  • Ensure that patient was not manipulated or moved excessively to cause potential spinal compromise
  • Did not move device excessively on patient's torso
  • Head immobilization does not allow for excessive movement
  • Torso fixations does not inhibit chest rise, resulting in respiratory compromise
  • Upon completion of immobilization, head is in the neutral position
  • Immobilized the torso before the head
    Note: This was contradicted by instructor during practical session
  • Complete the station within a 15 minute time limit.

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